Midwest Performance Racing Fleet (MWPHRF) Incorporated is a non-profit 501(c)4 corporation that is registered in the state of Wisconsin.  It is in "good standing" in terms of its document filings with the state.

Legally, as of January of 2022, Lake Michigan Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (LMPHRF) will now be doing business as Midwest Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (MWPHRF).  As such, the legal name of the corporation remains LMPHRF even though it will function as MWPHRF going forward.


These documents are available for viewing and download:

MWPHRF's Articles of Incorporation

MWPHRF's Bylaws

MWPHRF's Non-profit status

MWPHRF's Non-profit 501(c)4_designation letter

MWPHRF's IRS EIN designation

MWPHRF's Annual Corporate Status Form

MWPHRF's Annual tax filing form

MWPHRF's MWPHRF trademark form

MWPHRF's MWPHRF trademark confirmation

MWPHRF's Midwest PHRF trademark form

MWPHRF's Midwest PHRF trademark confirmation

MWPHRF's MW PHRF logo form

MWPHRF's MW PHRF logo confirmation


Midwest Performance Racing Fleet is a member of US Sailing:

MWPHRF's US Sailing Membership